05-12-2016, 06:22 PM
Quote:borgs had been ignoring orders
Horizon here, Borg. I ignored your orders because I had orders from the Captain (a higher ranking officer) earlier in the round to "stop him", which i took semi-liberally. I believe that non-harmfully removing you from a situation and reinforcing walls (that you thermited down) with airlocks is well within the bounds of this order.
Quote:and shocking doors on default laws
This was done by a mechanic who had pulsed all the wires trying to break into the AI core after you convinced him we were rogue. After he check the laws and discovered we weren't rogue I asked him to fix the door and he did.
We explained all of this in the middle of the round, and the mechanic himself told you what he'd done in deadchat after.
Quote:[Naba's beating] allowed borgs to drag me around to places I didn't want to be until I was able to get up."
You were in the AI core, against captain's orders, and without the proper access (you were a scientist). Of course we removed you.
Grek Wrote:He ended up getting into a weird quixotic pissing match with the AI over the AI modules being missing or something
I remember this as well. He cited this as the entire reason for his behavior, but he only could have known this after he already broke into the AI chamber twice. We had moved the Modules into the AI core in response to him breaking in the first time; they were still accessible to anyone with a Head ID. Proof.