05-06-2016, 06:36 PM
Hello yes, I am a fairly robust dude and I am here to give my reasons why I avoid ever touching security like it's a plague-riddled light grenade.
It really all comes down to one fairly simple reason: If you are security, literally everyone who isn't security, barring sometimes the Cap or HoP, are pre-dispositioned to being as much of an annoying pain in the ass as they physically can be, even if it results in the death of them and everyone around them. If I want to help protect the station/keep people alive, I play HoP or Captain, as I notice neither of these two have that same bullshit mentality aimed at them.
Literally any time I play security, whether it's a traitor murdering dudes or just two nerds in a fight I'm trying to break up, the moment I've stunned one of them or have someone cuffed and I'm bringing them to sec/just away from eachother for a second so they can talk things out, every damn crewmember in the area who isn't sec starts doing everything they can to fuck me up and let the guy go free, even if they weren't previously involved. Whether it's dragging the cuffed dudes away trying to uncuff them or trying to steal my gear while I have them barely detained, as long as I'm sec and not just some vig with a gun or something, the crew tries to do everything in it's power to fuck with sec. God forbid I tase or flash one of these idiots doing this, because next thing I know once I have that traitor or the two belligerents in sec, there's a small greytide mob outside or intercepting me on the way.
Did I mention shit like this seems only to happen when I play sec? Because I don't think I have. I can be literally anything else on the station armed just as well if not better than security, yet all this shit only happens if I actually play as a security officer.
I can't detain 4 people at once all on my own, I can't stop and type to call for backup usually, I only have limited ammo/stun charges/flashes, and I can't beat the everloving shit out of the idiots who keep trying to get in the way lest I have a lynch mob following me the rest of the round. All in all, why the hell play security if I could just be anything else and more oft than not end up with the same ability as them, minus the memetic trigger that starting as a sec officer seems to have that causes people to uncontrollably be a pain in the ass in every way possible?
I don't even remember the last time I killed anything that wasn't a nuke ops as sec. Then again, most of my sec rounds are me finally getting over how terrible sec was last time, playing it for one round, having the above happen constantly untill I'm dead, then never touching it again for months/years.
It really all comes down to one fairly simple reason: If you are security, literally everyone who isn't security, barring sometimes the Cap or HoP, are pre-dispositioned to being as much of an annoying pain in the ass as they physically can be, even if it results in the death of them and everyone around them. If I want to help protect the station/keep people alive, I play HoP or Captain, as I notice neither of these two have that same bullshit mentality aimed at them.
Literally any time I play security, whether it's a traitor murdering dudes or just two nerds in a fight I'm trying to break up, the moment I've stunned one of them or have someone cuffed and I'm bringing them to sec/just away from eachother for a second so they can talk things out, every damn crewmember in the area who isn't sec starts doing everything they can to fuck me up and let the guy go free, even if they weren't previously involved. Whether it's dragging the cuffed dudes away trying to uncuff them or trying to steal my gear while I have them barely detained, as long as I'm sec and not just some vig with a gun or something, the crew tries to do everything in it's power to fuck with sec. God forbid I tase or flash one of these idiots doing this, because next thing I know once I have that traitor or the two belligerents in sec, there's a small greytide mob outside or intercepting me on the way.
Did I mention shit like this seems only to happen when I play sec? Because I don't think I have. I can be literally anything else on the station armed just as well if not better than security, yet all this shit only happens if I actually play as a security officer.
I can't detain 4 people at once all on my own, I can't stop and type to call for backup usually, I only have limited ammo/stun charges/flashes, and I can't beat the everloving shit out of the idiots who keep trying to get in the way lest I have a lynch mob following me the rest of the round. All in all, why the hell play security if I could just be anything else and more oft than not end up with the same ability as them, minus the memetic trigger that starting as a sec officer seems to have that causes people to uncontrollably be a pain in the ass in every way possible?
I don't even remember the last time I killed anything that wasn't a nuke ops as sec. Then again, most of my sec rounds are me finally getting over how terrible sec was last time, playing it for one round, having the above happen constantly untill I'm dead, then never touching it again for months/years.