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Mozi's Fav foods n' Buffs concept
I like the idea of having a favourite food that gives you a unique bonus, the same could be done for a favourite drink. I would also give food in general some form of positive effect, a well sated buff that helps with your stamina or something. With better food giving a more potent/longer lasting buff. Something that doesn't force you to eat but makes it beneficial to risk it.

One idea I have is to make all food give off its reagents gradually, kind of how corn syrup metabolizes into loads of sugar or porktonium into cholesterol. In the case of good food this could keep dosing you with positive chems like synthflesh or charcoal healing you from certain types of damage. The benefit of having some small form of heal-effect even if you get knocked out and can't med yourself could be very helpful in a lot of situations.

I imagine it working as you having a reagent "food xyz" in your body that metabolizes into the reagents it is made of. The other option would be that your stomach works as some sort of beaker that stores reagents and slowly releases them into the body. If you also add the option to vomit / get your stomach pumped to purge any food reagents it would also reduce the risk of eating bad food.

A nice side effect would be that more potent plants grown by the botanists would lead to more potent food. Or the botanists could give the chef some horrible hybrid plants to kill his customers.

Lastly an even crazier system would be if the layered foods would give off their reagents one by one. Meaning that at one moment the food could be nice and helpful only to suddenly start knocking you out and poisoning you.

Messages In This Thread
Mozi's Fav foods n' Buffs concept - by Sundance - 05-02-2016, 08:57 AM
RE: Mozi's Fav foods n' Buffs concept - by UmmonTL - 05-02-2016, 10:52 AM
RE: Mozi's Fav foods n' Buffs concept - by Erik - 05-02-2016, 12:04 PM
RE: Mozi's Fav foods n' Buffs concept - by ZeWaka - 05-02-2016, 01:22 PM
RE: Mozi's Fav foods n' Buffs concept - by Grek - 05-02-2016, 11:22 PM
RE: Mozi's Fav foods n' Buffs concept - by Erik - 05-03-2016, 02:42 AM
RE: Mozi's Fav foods n' Buffs concept - by Grek - 05-03-2016, 04:06 AM

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