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Destiny Nations Feedback & Suggestions Thread
Hello, and welcome to Nations RP! As you've been lost in deep space for a good year now, far and away from any sort of proper communications, the various departments are starting to rise up to assert their own sovereignty and autonomy! In summary, YOU serve your department! There are seven departments: Engineering, Quartermasters, Civilian, Medical, Science, the UN (Command) and the Peacekeepers (Security). Work with your department to determine the future of the NSS Destiny! This is not an excuse to go on a murderous rampage.

  • The UN is organized and lead by the Captain, henceforth called the UN leader.
  • He is responsible for holding the initial summit to decide the legitimate nations, and can also hold summits for anything whenever.
  • He is in control of the UN peacekeepers core.
  • The AI is considered a UN machine and under his command.
  • To declare an official war, the nations must go through the UN. The UN can set restrictions for this war before officially announcing it (IE science cannot used toxin bombs), and if there is a battle between the two nations before war is officially declared, the UN peacekeepers can get involved and stop the aggressors. UN peacekeepers can also get involved if the restrictions are broken.
  • It is the UN's job to enforce surrender conditions should a nation accept a charter of surrender.
  • Nations are decided by having representatives go to the initial UN summit. Any self-proclaimed nation that does not go to the summit is considered a rogue nation.
  • You do not require an official war declaration to attack rogue nations.
  • Nations CAN harm other nations without an official war declaration, but this is considered sabotage. If you are caught red-handed, the UN peacekeepers can get involved.
  • Treaties can happen at any time. However, if you do not present a paper signed by both nation's representatives to the UN, your ally cannot get involved in a war on your behalf without being smacked down by the peacekeepers.
  • WMDs are considered war crimes, and will get you arrested as a war criminal by the peacekeepers. WMDs are designated as: Toxins bombs, gas canister releases (IE sleeping gas or plasma), and chemical warfare.
  • In a war, nations can present a conditional or unconditional surrender to the enemy nation. If the enemy nation accepts and surrenders, the conditions are put into place and enforced by the UN. Unconditional surrenders allow you to demand whatever you want out of the enemy nation.
  • Buy anything you want. Seriously. Guns, medkits, botany equipment, bees, strategic wasp drops, you name it.
  • Adminhelp the item you want to buy to get a price. Place that amount of money on the ground to get it.

Messages In This Thread
Destiny Nations Feedback & Suggestions Thread - by WrongEnd - 05-01-2016, 08:32 PM

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