04-25-2016, 12:32 PM
I'm guessing it could be made to do so. It'd have to check to see if the mob had limbs as to prevent foot or mouth operated surgeries. I don't see any real downs to it. If they're a bother you could just order them to stop after all.
The other option being giving borgs a grab intent that only went to level 1 or 2. Doesn't have many problems either aside from the coding bit.
Anyways, I'll always say no to borghands. A borg with sec equipment, syndicate equipment, a laser, an artbeaker, bombs, etc -- yeah, eck. You'd see powergamers shift from powerjobs to gettin' borged every round.
The other option being giving borgs a grab intent that only went to level 1 or 2. Doesn't have many problems either aside from the coding bit.
Anyways, I'll always say no to borghands. A borg with sec equipment, syndicate equipment, a laser, an artbeaker, bombs, etc -- yeah, eck. You'd see powergamers shift from powerjobs to gettin' borged every round.