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Let the AI mainframe wear blunts/joints
    else if (istype(module, /obj/item/clothing/mask/moustache/))
        for (var/mob/living/silicon/ai/M in mobs)
            M.moustache_mode = 1
            user.visible_message("<span style=\"color:red\"><b>[]</b> uploads a moustache to []!</span>")
        if (src.moustache_mode == 1)
            src.UpdateOverlays(SafeGetOverlayImage("moustache", 'icons/mob/ai.dmi', "moustache", src.layer+0.3), "moustache")
            src.UpdateOverlays(null, "moustache")

        cached_image = image('icons/mob/ai.dmi', "moustache")
    cached_image.icon_state = icon_state
    return cached_image

Here's the relevant code. For those of you who can't read that, it works by overlaying a picture of a mustache onto the AI as a special case. I could MAYBE add a few more as a patch, but getting the layering right would be tricky and it would be better practice coding-wise to redo how clothing works for non-humans.

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RE: Let the AI mainframe wear blunts/joints - by Grek - 04-21-2016, 01:30 PM

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