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Scrap Tools/Weapon/Armor Thread
Pretty much all these ideas already exist in the game already.

Homemade taser? Stungloves.
Bullet Moulds? The general fabricator has you covered.
Shrapnel bombs? Regular ol' pipebombs, once Cogwerks stops being lazy and working on Cogmap and instead codes the much needed shrapnel into our explosions.
Barbed wire? We already have glass shards and other things, though it'd be nice if they were harder to pick up.

I'm loathe to the idea of giving more people access to projectile weapons-if that's what you meant with the taser wrench- because they make combat pretty easy on unsuspecting victims, and are great for tagging any fool who gets in the way while you're dancing with a knowing opponent.

This isn't to say I wouldn't like to see boxing gloves wrapped with barbed wire, however. :|

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