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Remove viruses from random events
Ear worm parasites- a catchy jingle starts playing, gradually getting louder as the symptoms progress

Exploding knees- at some point, your legs blow off your body

Tapeworms - ingested chems have a percentage of the units absorbed by gut parasites. Occasionally a worm is coughed up which contains the chems it absorbed.

CIPA - You no longer have a pain respone. You don't have the usual slow down and fainting effects from high damage. However, your HUD no longer displays your health and atmospheric changes such as heat, cold, and air loss.

Eueghs Ray vision - You can see what's inside pockets, bags and boxes on examine. Everyone shows up as unknown skeletons, though.

Big Head syndrome - Your head is 3x it's normal size

Malleable skin - Your appearance randomly changes every few minutes.

Nickelodeon's Foot - leave behind a slime trail as you move. Movement speed is halved when traveling on non slimed tiles and doubled on slimed ones.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Remove viruses from random events - by Erik - 03-11-2016, 04:32 PM
RE: Remove viruses from random events - by misto - 03-20-2016, 09:06 PM
RE: Remove viruses from random events - by Frank_Stein - 03-23-2016, 04:39 PM

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