03-23-2016, 03:25 PM
I think if you're going to give people access to any tator item, you should maybe rethink how ordering traitor items works.
Introducing The Arms Dealer Update
Because of interest in various tator products which are relatively easy to smuggle for some jobs but stupidly difficult to smuggle for other jobs, the syndiecats came up with a free market solution. Turn real cash into telecrystals and adjust prices based on someone's current job. Staff assistants have the biggest barrier to entry, since all the fun stuff is priced well out of their range.
Telecrystals can also be converted back into cash, if you just want to buy crap from the station and do things solo, or have stolen a tator PDA and want their money.
BALANCE: criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot, and buying a lot of tator items tends to get you on the radar of the police and military, so you want to make purchases only during low periods of suspicion conveniently stored on the pda. Bombing the ever loving daylights or riding around clown cars and abducting people drives up attention, while laying low and avoiding excess death and harm makes it easier to make large purchases. Suspicion levels can also randomly jack up and down based on events that take place off station, to prevent meta-gaming by security or the crew. Some items may be unable to be purchased during periods of high suspicion. Surplus crates can still offer good swag though, to encourage people to buy them.
This gives theft a solid benefit, since you can steal a lot of money, turn it into crystals, and then buy some cool gear, but it also prevents excessive clown cars.
Introducing The Arms Dealer Update
Because of interest in various tator products which are relatively easy to smuggle for some jobs but stupidly difficult to smuggle for other jobs, the syndiecats came up with a free market solution. Turn real cash into telecrystals and adjust prices based on someone's current job. Staff assistants have the biggest barrier to entry, since all the fun stuff is priced well out of their range.
Telecrystals can also be converted back into cash, if you just want to buy crap from the station and do things solo, or have stolen a tator PDA and want their money.
BALANCE: criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot, and buying a lot of tator items tends to get you on the radar of the police and military, so you want to make purchases only during low periods of suspicion conveniently stored on the pda. Bombing the ever loving daylights or riding around clown cars and abducting people drives up attention, while laying low and avoiding excess death and harm makes it easier to make large purchases. Suspicion levels can also randomly jack up and down based on events that take place off station, to prevent meta-gaming by security or the crew. Some items may be unable to be purchased during periods of high suspicion. Surplus crates can still offer good swag though, to encourage people to buy them.
This gives theft a solid benefit, since you can steal a lot of money, turn it into crystals, and then buy some cool gear, but it also prevents excessive clown cars.