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Space Bomb Testing Electric Boogaloo
I'd like direct feedback like explosion force and whatnot. No guessing, no muss, no fuss.

Another solution could be to just use the VR area as a testing zone. 'Scan' the bomb/beaker/grenade/etc, which basically just copy and pastes the item into the VR area, then set it off the normal way. A little area near the center could be made bombproof with a few info-logging instruments and a suicide button. The instruments could give info like explosions force, number of explosions, etc. Having invincible test dummies littered throughout the area that gauged damage (Basically giving a medscanner readout) would be a huge bonus for smaller tests.

In any case, it would be nice to not HAVE to explode z3 (or wait to) when testing some of these things early-round.

Messages In This Thread
Space Bomb Testing Electric Boogaloo - by Erik - 02-26-2016, 03:58 PM
RE: Space Bomb Testing Electric Boogaloo - by Vitatroll - 02-26-2016, 04:47 PM

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