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Can't see while in shell
I started playing again a week or so ago, and during that time I have deployed to shell successfully as AI. In one round we had a second AI added in, and during that round, I found I could deploy to the custom body that was made for me, but not* either of the two original shells.

I now find that in any round since then, I can not* deploy to shell at all.

* When I try I get a blank map, and tiles bigger than my settings. I will try to grab a screenshot of it next time, but in short, I can't see anything of use. I can see the sidebar and bottom bar that all robots get, but I can't see any of the map. 

I have restarted BYOND completely since the incident mentioned above; but this has not fixed it.

Messages In This Thread
Can't see while in shell - by TheNewTeddy - 02-15-2016, 05:47 PM
RE: Can't see while in shell - by ZeWaka - 02-15-2016, 05:53 PM

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