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Give changelings different objectives
I think most of the other antag objectives are relatively fine. Traitors get a nice mix of silly and serious objectives, nuke and blob are kinda defined both form and function by theirs, and wiz/wraiths tend to just dick around regardless.

It's generally just this one particular objective that tends to bring out the worst in people. For most other antags, the most you usually get is people dedicating themselves to killing off the entire station, which at the very least tends to end quickly one way or the other.

Lings could probably use some of the sillier ones, actually. Their abilities lend themselves perfectly to stuff like 'frame this guy' or 'pretend to be a supervillain', that's way more interesting than 'eat ten dudes'.

Messages In This Thread
Give changelings different objectives - by Roomba - 02-03-2016, 09:33 PM
RE: Give changelings different objectives - by Roomba - 02-04-2016, 08:32 AM

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