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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk)
Weavel Wrote:With the amount of support this is getting, I wouldn't be surprised if it's added eventually! From what I remember, between me and Sundance in the other thread, we've come to the conlcusions here:

- called Robusto .45
- we figured it should have 12 shots and one reload, but either way works fine
- 7 telecrystals
- 3 telecrystals for more ammo
- alternatively, 3 telecrystals for a silencer which removes the red name/muffles sound
- EI NATH-styled execution in a seperate tab; you don't want it to be a Harm-intent point blank trigger, else you'll keep accidentlly doing it! It should cost 1 bullet and about 7ish seconds, and make them uncloneable

In regards to armour/knockback, I think you've got the right idea; it's too powerful to be stopped by puny Sec armour, and unarmoured people should get a little knockback, but maybe the Riot Gear or the Cap's suit might be more resilient?

I think I've got ideas for other gun-related fun, but I'll leave it up to you if you want this topic to become more general.

also if this gets implimented I'm looking forwards to seeing the Detective going all Max Payne and dual-wielding guns to stun then execute dudes

I like the sound of everything Weavel said here, especially the altered execution function and the silencer. The option to go stealth or rampage would make it a very cool item, since it would give the Detective the ability to use it for almost any objective.

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