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Respawn Crew (for ghosts and other waiting players)
The specific example you opened the thread with was the one where after the antags are dead, along with a lot of people, the remaining crew call the shuttle. That's not really 'forced' per se, and as I mentioned, it's partly out of respect for the dead, but largely because the living crew are also tired of the round and want a new one going. If you're talking about the emergency shuttles that are called due to the round population falling below a certain amount, that's another thing entirely, and it was implemented for a very good reason. If antags wrecked the station beyond shuttle-calling capability, rounds could go on practically indefinitely, and it was really tiring to have a wizard camp arrivals for two hours straight. Respawns wouldn't help with the latter - the  station is often too wrecked in that case for anyone fresh off the shuttle to restore to any significant capacity, and the antag too well-equipped by that point to be stopped easily.

I'm trying to get behind your 'server permanence' idea, I really am, but I don't think I'm wrong to suggest that your view is in the minority. If most living crew prefer, as you mentioned earlier, calling the shuttle and starting a new round over any significant station repair that needs doing, most dead players probably share the same sentiment. If you're looking for a single neverending round, I'd suggest looking for some other server - the systems here aren't really designed to last forever and respawning players wouldn't magically fix that.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Respawn Crew (for ghosts and other waiting players) - by Roomba - 01-27-2016, 04:33 AM

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