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Respawn Crew (for ghosts and other waiting players)
The primary complaint seems to be 'fast respawning makes death cheap'.
It needs to be balanced against 'Everybody stop playing, there are too many dead people'.
When I thought of this I figured there should be clear limits on the amount of respawning over time.

For example: there could be a HoP/Captain/Quartermaster option to 'request additional staff from Nanotrasen HQ'. Only 1-7 people would be respawned, and they would need some "time" to arrive at arrivals. If the 'additional staff' option also has some sort of timer on it (say once an hour) then death wouldn't be so cheap; If you die, you might end up idling for an hour (or more depending on luck).

If player activation is not enough of a threshold, here could also be a cash cost attached, so failing stations (due to either shitty players as Head of Staff or just very effective antags) couldn't just keep calling people to try and stretch things out.

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RE: Respawn Crew (for ghosts and other waiting players) - by The Grim Sleeper - 01-25-2016, 01:09 PM

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