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Make Chameleon Mutants hittable
UR is extremely unbalanced. I've had more than one unsavory incident of having my ass handed to me by some fucknut who knew I was antagonist. It's too unpredictable, in that while you wouldn't rely on it to defend yourself (getting shot at, better go invincible) it's very good at fucking over someone who you just happened to bump it while invincible. I.e: UR encourages extremely shitty and petty behavior.

I haven't had any issues with chameleon, but I can understand if it's the same behavior as UR then I can see why A4brogen is irked.

As far UR goes, a simple balance would make it even more unpredictable on the invisible side, decrease the odds of becoming invisible by a good bit, but increase the time that you are invisible. So in a 40-50 round you may become invisible twice. So it becomes less of an abuse thing, and more of a circumstantial thing, which I assume was the intention of the mutation.

Chameleon, I like the being able to the target as a balance as suggested, but buff it in speed it takes to become invisible, from 2-3 seconds of standing still to 1 second. This way chameleon becomes more of a defensive mutation, as I would assume that was also the intention of the mutation

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