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Three small changes to make being a zombie more enjoyable
Ok so I played a few rounds as a zombie recently, and I have found it to be kinda clunky due to the fact that people have not had a large chance to play it. Here are a few changes to the problems I think exist.

1. Make Zombies immune to suffocation and space damage like Changelings.

I find it a little weird that zombies are not immune to these things since they are actually dead, zombies move really slow already, and the fact being very cold makes it even worse.

2. Give the zombies the option to not regenerate when killed.

As it stands currently zombies begin to revive after being killed, and jump back up fully healthy to ruin his murderer's day. This forces the crew to use crates, lockers, and spacing to dispose of zombies as it is very tough to cremate, or gib them unless you are already at the respective places. Yesterday I had to ask an admin to gib my body as I was locked into a crate with no way of calling for help, which leads me to my third idea.

3. Let Zombies have their own special frequency like Aliens used to.

As zombie attacks are very sudden and hectic it is very easy for the crew to communicate because of their headsets and the players prior knowledge of zombies, this leaves zombies with a disadvantage. Since zombies cannot communicate with each other except for whispering, let them have their non radio related communication line to coordinate with each other and tell them where they are trapped if they are. Also tell anyone who becomes infected a little pop-up telling them how to use it.

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