01-08-2016, 04:02 PM
not exactly that impossible, it's just that whoever tried to worked on it always ended up getting sidetracked on useless features or just didnt bother working on it enough
prime example : centration, they were going on a good path (experimenting on core gameplay features early on to find out what engine suited them best, which was UE3/4 for reference) Sadly, people stopped giving a fuck and it plumetted to the ground. Also, aza was running it and he's a pretty strange fellow to say the least.
prime example : centration, they were going on a good path (experimenting on core gameplay features early on to find out what engine suited them best, which was UE3/4 for reference) Sadly, people stopped giving a fuck and it plumetted to the ground. Also, aza was running it and he's a pretty strange fellow to say the least.