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Pet Shop
vampirate Wrote:
Vitatroll Wrote:Banning mechanic's tomfoolery with such objects is a must, I'm afraid. The first thing I thought of was lining a hallway with these machines and pelting people with pets as they pass by.
I had a miscreant round where I put monkey vendors and gibbers side by side all over the place
I thought we lost mass monkey thanks to the monkey mass! (even to syndicate scanners) my mouth is opening oh no

Monkey Mass: When a mechanic mass produced ValuChimps in the Chapel shortly after the new monkey AI was added. This, mind you, was when they were still chasing down and beating their aggressor's corpse en mass. This produced a phenomenal amount of lag and everyone died. Everyone. Fucking hilarious though.

Point: Never trust a Mechanic's common sense. Never. Something about that job just makes you want to break the Universe and have it kneel before you. I want them to be scannable as a Mechanic, but I know that eventually they'd go the way of ValuChimps and Cigarette Machines.

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