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Does anyone else think Cogmap 2 is too big and inaccessible?
My 2 cents:

One of the reasons there is less traffic in the main corridors of Cog2 in contrast to Cog1 (in spite of poor via-maintenance travel options) is because the station layout is much more traffic efficient; People in engineering and Med/Sci no longer pass by the bridge and the staff assistant quarters to get to the bar.
At the same time, this layout means that when you find your route blocked you can always try to go the long way around, even if you don't have maintenance and/or EVA access. So tanks and mask are no longer essential survival gear and people don't need to loiter in maintenance shafts trying to find that stuff.
This and the windows into the work sectors makes keeping track of people a lot easier for Security.
At the same time there are many dead-end sections were nobody has real business and even downright derelict area's (why does the station have a drug den?), so slumming it is still an option.
But I think quite a bit of space was intentionally left 'open' in case something needs to be added to a sector in a future update or overhaul. The map has been out for just over a month now, we can hardly expect it to already feel like home.

So the play experience on Cog2 will be very different from Cog1's accommodated chaos. What that experience will be and if it is an improvement is still up in the air. Ultimately you will have to decide for yourself if like it the 'new way'.

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