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[Not Quite A Bug] Destiny Map Tweak?
Just played a round on Destiny as an Engineer. When attempting to go fix a thing near tech storage, I looked at the goonhub map and saw the fastest route was to go down the PTL Hallway. The PTL seems to have been removed from the map, but the laser-path hallway is now a normal maintenence hallway. "Even easier!" I thought to myself, as I walked down the hall. Lo and behold, the little airlock-ish area that connects medbay to genetics doesn't exist anymore, which means the maintenence hallway ends right there and exits directly into Medbay, which means Engineers can't actually conveniently get to the outside maintenence hallway quickly.

Simplest solution, if this is a problem that needs solving, would be to put that little airlock gate back people can run to the back of the ship's maintenence halls without having to swing up and around through crew lounges.A more complicated one (I don't know how easy map tweaks are) could be to remove the airlocks, move the entire genetics/morgue complex up and left a square, and shunt the maintenence hallway down between genetics and security, exiting right behind the pod bay.

Speaking of Engineer Quality of Life: Engineering doesn't get their own spacesuits, and dont have inherent access to E.V.A. Makes it slightly awkward for the guys whose job involves patching hull breeches. This is comparably mild since in a decently populated round, a head/the AI can grant access, but in smaller rounds or times of rapid crisis, giving the engies more hoops to jump through might be bad.

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