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Destiny & RP on Goonstation
Also, I will say that people may be taking it a little too far in the opposite direction from traditional Goon logic; sure, security should be the ones actively hunting down antags, but there are some circumstances in which it's not only reasonable, but appropriate, to try dealing with antags as a non-security individual. When ALL of security has died, or the too-few security officers get overwhelmed, the rest of the ship should not give up because "it's not their place to deal with antags" and let them do what they want (which HAS happened on some rounds). There are also the situations in which every hand is expected to deal with the problem on any reasonable space vessel, such as huge infernos, blobs, massive hull breaches, and other situations. If people continue to ignore giant problems because it's "not their job", we'll keep having those problems spiral out of control. It is proper roleplay for the chef to not try solving a murder, but at the same time it's also proper roleplay for the chef to join an all-hands effort in containing the blob that's taken over a quarter of the ship.

Also, a lot of RP servers do have what's known as a "fight-or-die clause", which means that one is allowed/expected to fight if you expect that not doing so is going to leave you or others dead. For example, I watched a changeling dragging a guy off, the bartender walked up with his gun in hand, changeling spit acid at his face, bartender ducked away. Bartender watches the changeling drag the guy away (still holding his shotgun), and is back at work in the bar in about two minutes pretending it didn't happen. That's one of the two classic Goon responses (the other being flinging oneself madly at the assailant). Since we've been sorta stressing that the latter isn't always appropriate, people have been starting to default to the former. I know it's been said to not be a vigilante, but sometimes being a hero is acceptable guys...another time (during the first disaster round), a Syndie drone managed to make its way into the escape lounge. In the old Goon I know everyone would have charged it with fire extinguishers without concern for life or limb; that's sorta not okay here. But what I saw was people awkwardly milling about, dodging the drone's passes and not acknowledging it. I chose to risk my life to protect everyone else by charging it (okay, yeah, I died, but just because the medics ignored me for a full two minutes).

The proper way to handle threats in an RP-appropriate manner isn't always violence, but come on guys, sometimes it is. Anything is better than ignoring them!

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