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Destiny & RP on Goonstation
Paineframe Wrote:
Haine Wrote:[*]Antags will no longer have free reign to just silently rampage around, killing everyone. While you won't be required to do your objectives, you should try to have a plan for something that will be fun for you and your victims. At the very least, interaction between antags and non-antags should be more than a c-saber being applied to the face repeatedly.
This needs to be applied going both ways in order to have it work even a little bit - especially for antags like changelings which are designed to silently incapacitate people and murder them before they wake up. I feel like vigilantes - or even people who carry around a doom beaker/laser gun "just in case" - would ruin all but the most robust antags under that restriction. And if people aren't allowed to carry around doom beakers anymore, then what does Science even do with themselves?

Of course we will crack down on vigilantism as well. I personally believe that this is the leading cause of rampages. Nobody wants to drop their guard to do a gimmick, so it just ends up being a murderfest.
Nobody says science can't have / make doombeakers, but if you're carrying them around with the intent of splashing people then you will be asked to explain yourself.

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