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Best moments ever thread 2.0
Today, I had a run-in with the crank huffin' gang.

I was a clown who job swapped with a sec officer, and I found a man trying to repair the paint machine.
I remembered that I required an object from QM. So, I walked around the corner to QM.
There were 3 people in there, all dressed in similar clothes, wearing various color of berets.
They called themselves the crank huffin' gang, and accused me of being arival gang paint huffer since I was repairing the machine.

So, we had our own little gang war.
They came rolling at me accusing me of wanting their turf and to 'Get outta here'.
As their second-in-command came rolling out, I shot him with a taser or two, but the other two flanked and shoved me down.
They farted on my face mercilessly.

When I got back up, I was prepared. I ate my entire lollipop I had in my bag, and knocked them down.
A passerby noticed, and joined me in the fight.
Eventually after a struggle, I trapped them in the south sec office brig.
I eventually 'freed their homies' out after they paid me in paint. A deal is a deal, after all.

Shortly after, I saw the detective beating them up and joined in. There were a few other incidents I helped them in.
I eventually gave them barkley's ball, and they accepted me into the gang as an honorary member.
To be a member of course, I had to be on crank.
Not much happened after that other than beating up the captain who we got into an escape pod.
Right about then, my round ended from a surprise wizard insta-crit.

These fun rounds are really the highlight of playing SS13. I wish gang mode could make a reappearance, but I do understand its horribly flawed.

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