11-09-2015, 12:30 PM
Sundance Wrote:I'll keep saying it till i'm blue in the face,I think this is why I'm a proponent of the mana system idea. If all spells have a resource cost, a wizard that blows their load too quickly would only have themselves to blame when they don't have enough mana left to cast phase shift and get the hell out of there.
Wizards need to be more balanced in the defense/offense ratio. Currently it's more offense than defense, and this results in wizards either totaling the crew and then often accidentally killing himself or letting it's guard down, or getting killed literally 5 minutes into the round. The latter seems to a staple, even quoted in the wiki, but it's a bad one, we shouldn't be developing antags that either shit everywhere or get shit on depending on spells chosen or circumstance.
The key word is attrition. All other antags have some element of it, whether it be the fact that they can change clothing or mindslave or have stamina/health buffs, something to give them the upper hand when SHTF and it's either they die or don't.
Wizard has little to no attrition. It aint a slow fight, it's either pure instant domination or instant humiliation. Some might say that the lack of attrition makes wizard unique and we shouldn't be changing it, but I don't really see any defining feature of that argument including fun in there. Attrition doesn't mean nerfing, it means balancing spells that makes the wizard last longer. It would mean wizard needs to be smart, rather than spell spamming.
Increasing phase shift then kind of against the grain of what I feel wizard needs. This would only make wizard fights even less gradual, more spontaneous and even more spell spamming.