11-06-2015, 02:20 AM
locusts Wrote:Directed Mental Collapse (Active)Synchronised: You don't pass out.
Your brain feels like it's swelling.
Combination: Telepathy + Psychic Bomb (Secret gene, must be created)
Causes someone's head to explode, basically the same as the existing martian skill. Needs huge cooldown even with energy booster, and drawbacks to balance it. If you get disturbed or if the victim moves far enough away, it doesn't work, and a message is put in chat to make it obvious you're the one doing this. Successful use causes you to pass out afterwards. Should only be successful if the victim really is truly incapacitated anyway.
Empowered: The victim gibs, and your head explodes too.
locusts Wrote:Infested Colon (Passive)Empowered: Gives a chance to make even bigger critters (wendigo, ice spider queen, wendigo king, transposed particle field, etc.).
Your gut rumbles painfully.
When you fart, you now have a chance to spawn a critter along with minor brute damage. Critters include: cockroaches, spiders (all kinds), bee larvae, ants, parrots, and more! Gross.
Synchronised: Increase the chance you spawn bee larvae and removes brute damage.
locusts Wrote:Bone Claws (Active)Empowered: Do more damages and more bleeding.
You feel like you're the best at what you do.
Bone claws add damage to your fist attacks and a chance to bleed. They're toggled on/off. Activation deals you brute damage, and you suffer constant bleeding (cannot be bandaged or sutured) while they're out unless you also have regeneration.
Synchronised: No more bleeding.
locusts Wrote:Spirit of Jazz (Passive)Synchronised: You don't tear your clothes off.
You feel like dancing.
The soothing lilt of the saxophone causes you to fly into a rage, tearing your own clothes off and beating the shit out of the nearest person you see as you run around screaming.
locusts Wrote:Aprocine Hallucinogens (Passive)Empowered: LSD, meth, etc. is produced too.
You feel trippy.
Your sweat now contains space drugs, which causes anyone that comes into contact with you (by shaking, pushing, grabbing etc.) to absorb it into their bloodstream and begin to trip out.