10-11-2015, 07:09 AM
Paineframe Wrote:There are, like, five useful chems, and no one makes them (except for personal use) because restocking medbay isn't exciting or experimental like researching the quickest way to kill a person with a single pill or working out the most efficient way of mass producing hellfoam.
On the contrary, There are far more than 5.
My favorite pill mix is 7 of Synthflesh, Potassium Iodide, Epinephrine, Saline Glucose, Charcoal, Atropine, and Antihistamine. Takes a while to build each up to 100, but once you get that Reagent Extractor topped off, those pills can make death your bitch!
And for the second thing: We either need to make medical more fun, or try to make it so chemistry is accessable to medical personnel. Maybe even have one of the three dispensers be IN the medbay.