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Randomize non-medical chem recipes every round
Frank_Stein Wrote:How would you veteran chemists improve the system?

We've had, in the last few months, people poring over the chem files and editing some notably murderous chemicals like Phlogiston into some slightly less murderous stuff. While I don't approve this as a cross-the-board measure to entirely nerf chemistry, I almost enjoy the prospect of my main fodder for hellpills being obsoleted. It's kind of a signal, to go and do bigger and better things with newer chems. I would've never started looking at Voltagen if the nature of Phlogiston hadn't changed, for example. While it'd be awful to constantly switch up the formulas for every little thing, PERHAPS, and this is a VERY BIG PERHAPS, the abilities and damage values for a few of the greater, meatier death chems could be toned down. If only to encourage people to switch it up, keep it fun for their victims.

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