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Randomize non-medical chem recipes every round
I just wanna share the two quotes I find most succinct in that general discussion thread
Ed Venture Wrote:Chem is not fine the way it is. That's why it goes though nerfs and reworks when secret chems get out.
Cameron Higgs Wrote:The problem with secret chems is that they're secret.
Balancing something by obscurity ultimately leads to a power creep when people figure out recipes, learn recipes from friends, and eventually figure out the most time-efficient way to make a hellchem. The problem with secret chems getting out of hand isn't that they're no longer secret, it's that the bottleneck you placed to balance their incredible power with is inherently flawed and always fails given time.
And as a counter arguement
Houka Wrote:Chemicals do not work like this in real life.

I do think chemistry could use some kind of change that makes keeping recipes secret and needing to change them periodically when too many people are using something unnecessary. But it does need a degree of predictability and stability.

Maybe there ought to just be a chemistry idea spitball thread? How would you veteran chemists improve the system?

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