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Randomize non-medical chem recipes every round
My line of thought basically falls in with Houka's point of view. There are easier, less time consuming methods of causing greater pain to the station that require little to no research beforehand.

I can understand the POV of someone who doesn't know chem. The end result looks like a magical, one step reaction that absolutely murders anyone involved. What you're not seeing is the amount of effort and research someone put into making that one shot. It's never just learning the chem; you have to learn how to weaponize it. Even QGP, in all of it's glory, can be easily outdone in terms of damage and efficiency by someone who knows how to make max ttvs without setting foot in toxins. Same goes for a number of other killing methods.

People who learn these things the easy way (anything that isn't plugging in chems or getting obscure hints) tend to not value the recipes as much. Whether it's shown by leaving full recipes laying around in beakers or scanners, telling every friend they have about it (or just people they want to impress), or using the chem into extinction. I agree that some chems were just too powerful; fermids and NI3 being prime examples. Still, there were plenty of people who knew these chems before a small group of people ran them into the ground.

I can only hope for the sake of the nerds who plugged out QGP that those of us who learned the chem from watching a certain nerd's recent QGP rampage don't run it into the ground.

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