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Randomize non-medical chem recipes every round
Frank_Stein Wrote:I dunno, I don't really do chemistry because I don't want to bother with trying to recall all the recipes, so take my opinion with a grain of salt

I think I like the idea? Reminds me of roguelike potion randomness. Like, if there were a few substances in the lab that were given a random description like "A green fizzy liquid" and you had to use a few methods to identify it based on things like it's pH value or how it reacts with temperature and exposure to other chems, and the effects to a monkey when it is injected/ingests some of it.

From what I understand the more dangerous stuff is restricted by the difficulty in getting all the ingredients during a round and it's secrecy. This would make it more in line with things like genetics research progression where it's part skill part luck.

I wanna clarify, I don't think every non-medical chem recipe should be randomized, but some additional mystery chems that require investigating to see how they can be added to known chems to make stuff would be neat. Maybe the best way to test an idea like this would be some new unique recipes, that can either be super beneficial or incredibly dangerous if you put the wrong mystery chem in.

Like, let's say there's one combination that uses known chemicals plus a mystery one and it makes omnizine, but that same recipe and another mystery chem makes an instant explosion. So then you'll have to run some controlled tests with new tools to identify the individual mystery chems.

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