10-09-2015, 12:10 PM
If you're gonna fundamentally screw with chemistry, give them a new toy. Not screw with recipes people have mastered. Pretty much the only reason to have dangerchems is tators. If we can't rely on our danger chem experiments as nontraitors to further our traitor research, how are we supposed to do anything remotely evil with chemistry at all.
Chemistry has always been OP, but that's what makes it worth the effort of clicking on beakers and chem names.
Isn't science getting a new laser looking toy anyway? Let scientists put beakers in one of the two parts and see what happens when you smash protons into drugs.
Chemistry has always been OP, but that's what makes it worth the effort of clicking on beakers and chem names.
Isn't science getting a new laser looking toy anyway? Let scientists put beakers in one of the two parts and see what happens when you smash protons into drugs.