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Randomize non-medical chem recipes every round
This is probably one of the worse ideas I've seen cross the suggestions forum, for a few reasons:

If none of you know, ingame, my name is Matt Dales. I'm somewhat notorious on the extended servers for being an avid researcher, collaborating with friends to create what I'd like to call the ultimate hellpill. In the meantime, we have created such wonders as a quintuple-stacked knockout chem recipe, optimized for length of disable, a hilariously unstable mixture of chemicals that ends up creating a ticking timebomb out of the body of the poor sap dumb enough to get hit, and an insidious mixture of pyrotechnic and poisonous chems that clocked in for a record-setting death of just under twelve seconds. All of this is possible mainly because we are able to immediately go straight to the lab, grabbing whatever outside resources we need, and cooking up the next trial of our mixtures.

With this suggestion in place, all of that would fall apart. The most creative floorpills, oftentimes a much-loved after round party favor even from non-traitor chemists, would cease to be, simply because of the fact that some of the best, most interesting ingredients would be impossible to create in the tiny time constraints of LLJK 4, where the best chemical fun can be found.

In addition, the testing that me and my friends work on? We'd have to painstakingly work through randomizations to create some of our more complex concoctions, eating up a good thirty minutes trying to test and re-test formulas before we're allowed to actually begin testing. We never know what sort of chemicals we'll need before an idea pops into our heads, so hiding all of the more dangerous chemical formulas would make our job so much harder.

Rest assured, chemists have plenty of research set out for them. Learn the Chemicompiler, figure out secret formulas, create optimally helpful or harmful mixtures, and, if worst comes to worst, actually provide drugs to Medbay once and a while. And don't set the lab on fire. I'm going to agree with Musketman that trying to do this would likely just result in annoying implementation and make it impossible for new people in the art of blowing shit up with chemicals to figure out what they're doing.

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