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Randomize non-medical chem recipes every round
This is probably going to be extremely controversional, but whatever. Let's be honest: chemists have little to do that is actually research. Either they already know how to make everything worth making thanks to offsite spoilers or they're some newbie who doesn't know shit and will spend half the round flashing/deafening/igniting their coworkers until either they die, the chem lab burns down, or their irritated coworkers beat them and cram them down the disposal chute.

Some limited randomization of some of the ingredients on the nastier chems probably wouldn't be a bad idea to slow down obnoxiousness to an extent and encourage people to actually have to try out recipes. It could also probably lead to some hilarity when people complain about their recipes having unexpected ingredients! (oh god why does rajaijah need beff this round)

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