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Power aiming.
1. I think this is a valid concern and while i do not have any immediate and perfect fixes, I've changed the cursor to hopefully be a little more visible. I've been thinking about using the soon-to-come client.color var in DM to maybe create a colorblind mode but there's several issues with that. We'll see what can be done.

2 & 3 This is mainly a problem with powers that use the tab-style. Many things already support a hotbar style of UI and more are coming.
As a part of the changes i made to abilities for the cruisers, i added an option to make powers "sticky". In other words, they stay on your cursor until you click the ability button again.
Additionally i made it so that all hotbar style powers can be bound to any of your number keys while in WASD mode.
Hopefully all of that combined will make it easier to use your abilities in the future.

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