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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
I'm for keeping it open, but throwing in a ton of countermeasures. Add a couple of options that could be added and toggled on and off by HoS from various computers/switches. Maybe have it where any three can be on at once, but turning on another requires turning another off? Here's a few ideas.

-Guardbuddies that get activated and storm the room.
-Knock out gas that floods the room
-AI gun turrents
-Hidden floor flushers that dump you into the brig cells
-Electrified tables where trying to pick up objects on them shocks you
-Noise and vibration detectors for people deconstructing their way in

I dunno. The armory is the closest thing to a secure vault, and I'd love for it to be treated like a heist movie where breaking in is both difficult and rewarding. Right now, it's trivial to get into when you have the right tools and abilities, but isn't bothered with too much by anyone else. Keeping the items out makes it a more tempting target for everyone, but multiple countermeasures keeps things interesting as long as there's a way to disable them without getting caught.

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