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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Time for another longpost!

Changes and Improvements
- The security camera console has a new interface and it's absolutely lovely. Instead of a jumbled list you have to scroll through and then press okay for every time you switch cameras, it's a more concise list that automatically flips to whatever camera you click on, without the hassle of hitting an okay button or having the window close and re-open every time. Excellent!
- The mounted cameras are working and functional, though there doesn't seem to be a way to control the wheeled ones yet.
- The teleporter room is actually in a location that makes sense, as opposed to being next to the owlery.
- Various offices and facilities such as the offices of most heads and the QM office now have their own announcement computers, which makes getting word out around the station much easier.
- The Captain's office, the HoP's office, the security weapons room, and quite a few important places in general have connections to the maintenance tunnels. This translates to a lot more break-ins and other such shenanigans, which is always fun and helps keep people on their toes.
- There's a public garden space just outside of the chapel area with some public-access hydroponics trays and plant analyzers!
- The AI upload's turret controls are now clear on the far end of the room. This makes uploading laws a lot trickier, as you either need to disable the turrets via gunfire, ask the AI, or make a mad dash back and forth. There's also a turret control console in the little lobby area outside of the upload, apparently called the Net Cafe, even though there aren't any turrets. There may be turrets later.
- QM will have a console that lets them send profits across the station in a way that's separate from the Bank Records database. I'm not sure if there are any specific details on that yet.
- The bridge now has an automatic intercom system that will broadcast anything said across the command radio, similarly to the intercoms found in the brig and the chapel.
- Microphones and speakers! Anything spoken into a microphone will be projected through the nearby loudspeakers, with a larger text size depending on how close you are to the speaker. You can even get that horrid feedback noise! Most microphones are stand mics, but the Chaplain starts with a handheld microphone in their office.
- Disposals seems to route to a conveyor belt near the arc smelter, which actually deposits stuff straight into the smelting lab after being crushed.
- Mechanics, mining, and QM are all clustered quite a ways away from engineering proper. Makes sense, all things considered.


- As things stand, the mounted cameras are connected to the TV network and not the security camera network, which is odd, since security actually has a few of those mounted cameras. Perhaps the security camera network could include the TV network in the listings, so security can use the remote-control cameras to patrol and keep an eye on things.
- As for actually controlling the cameras, some kind of helmet or computer or other sort of system that lets you take control of the camera like how AIs can control cyborgs would be a good way of implementing it.
- That blast door right in front of the AI core should not be there, for reasons that have already been gone over. Either put the blast door in the back, position the turrets so they can actually hit someone in that crevice, or just go with the current setup of a glass window box.
- For the money-distributing tool for QM, I was thinking of a console that, when an ID/PIN is inserted, allows the user to make one-way transactions from their account to various places in the station. They can wire their profits straight to another crew member's account, they can wire it to one of the three station fund groups, or they might also be able to wire a set amount of money to be split across each member of a given department, such as research or medical.

Glitches and Odd Happenings

- The Research Director doesn't have access to the AI core, for whatever reason.
- The pipes are messing up at the beginnings of the round, for some reason.
- The robotics lab is atrociously understocked: No flashes, no sheets, no mechanical toolbox, no power cores.
- The captain's space suit and spare ID are nowhere to be found.
- There aren't any controls for the disposals system conveyor belts.

All in all, a good update! Things are very interconnected, which is an impressive feat given the map's size, and the new features are geared towards cooperation with fellow crewmen from other departments and within one's own department, something very neat indeed.

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