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Station vs Station mode in detail
Let me try to sell this one more time then.

15-30 minute grace period before the opposing station's z level is accessible (alothugh both crews could have access to the mining z level and fight small skirmishes there)

Lots of defenses on both stations so you have to plan every attack. Combine this with the engineers building even more defenses and upgrading the ships. Hopefully this would make it so the crew has to plan every attack carefully so that it isn't just all mayhem all the time.

Instead it would be more like:

-Crew knows there's a syndicate station nearby but doesn't know where. The various departments spend the downtime calibrating the teleporter, making tank transfer bombs, growing exploding tomatoes, and thinking up other creative ways to wreck the other station.

-4 syndicate assistants with improvised weapons teleport into the owlery. They manage to bomb a noncritical part of the station before being massacred by a 30 man lynch mob.

-A brave a assistant kites the Y drone to the syndicate station, then escapes back to friendly territory while the syndie pods are distracted.

-Telescience starts teleporting medical supplies with mousetrap pipe bombs in them. Also a medibot full of spider eggs. They syndicate station starts tearing itslef apart from the inside

-A syndicate finds a nanotrasen spacesuit on the derelict, uses it and the strelka to infiltrate the nanotrasen station, emags his way to the AI upload, and uploads a law saying that humans can only breathe plasma fires, particularly near the airbridge.

and so on. Basically there has to be a way to make it hard to just murderbone so the crews have to find funny/stealthy ways to kill eachother (or at least build hellmix flamethrowers first)

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