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bar-man cocktails give a shartload of ethanol
Time for booze math, folks!

My previous guess was right: All ept (ethanol per tick, a more accurate unit of measurement) ratings have been divided by three across the board, presumably for all drinks. This means that beer is now at a baseline of 1u ept.

All alcoholic beverages decay at a rate of 0.4u per tick, and each drink from a glass transfers 5u of the contents into the bloodstream, with each pre-generated bottle containing 30u of the beverage in question (they have a capacity of 50, but only come with 30. dunno why.), though drinking glasses can up that to 50u.

Now, I took the liberty of calculating the exact ethanol thresholds for various levels of drunkness: Slurred speech at 30u, Stage 1 Drunk at 75u, Stage 2 Drunk at 125u, and the ultimate Stage 3 Drunk at 300u.

(Note that all of the below calculations are made post-absorption, i.e. factoring in ethanol's depletion rates.)

On beer, and any other low-alcohol (1 ept) beverage such as champagne, it takes AT LEAST a full 30-unit bottle to get effects even as simple as slurred speech, and it's nigh impossible to get fully drunk (even to the first stage) unless you're blowing through multiple bottles at a time.

Going into more standard alcohol rates such as wine and Old Fashioned (3 ept), just one sip is enough to carry you over the slurred speech threshold, albeit just by a few units of ethanol. A full bottle lands you in firm Stage 2 Drunk territory, and a full 50u drinking glass carries you just over into Stage 3 Drunk levels, albeit after over a hundred ticks of metabolizing.

Now getting into the somewhat more potent stuff, with vodka and martinis at 4 ept and tequilas at 5 ept. Just one sip is enough to make your speech heavily slurred, and going through a whole bottle of this stuff is enough to land you firmly in Stage 2 Drunk territory, or even Stage 3 Drunk in the case of tequilas.

Getting into the strong, hard liquor like Long Island Iced Tea and Mind Eraser (both at 8 ept) is where things start getting crazy. Just one sip of either of these drinks is enough to put 100u of ethanol in your system, landing you firmly in Stage 1 Drunk territory. By the time you're halfway through your glass, you've got enough ethanol brewing to make you a vomiting, barely coherent mess.

But lets get even crazier and start bringing in things like moonshine. Moonshine clocks in at 10 ept, making just one sip of this stuff enough to just barely inch the consumer past Stage 2 Drunk levels. Any more than that and you're really pushing your luck. Suicider, coming in at 15 ept, is enough to induce Stage 3 Drunk symptoms in just two sips.

And finally, grog and dragon's breath both rate at a whopping 20 ept, the single hardest alcohols in the entire game. One single sip puts you DEEP in Stage 2 Drunk territory, and if you somehow manage to down an entire bottle/glass of the stuff, the math shows that you're gonna have upwards of over two thousand units of ethanol in your system during the metabolic process. But then again, that's grog, that's meant to be insane.

Dunno if these statistics help any, but there you go. There's a bit of an exponential growth in how quick a drink gets you hammered depending on the ept rating, but honestly, chugging an entire bottle of vodka is probably gonna get you shitfaced regardless.

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