Mentor Application
Usual Character Name:Corlevsky Cervix or Borks McSweden (Cyborg/AI)
BYOND Username:BlackMane
Recommended by (if applicable):No one, I made my own decision as I am a free human being.
Times Available:6:00AM-8:30AM EST 4:00PM-10:30PM EST Weekends: 4:00PM-3:00AM EST.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): I enjoy this game so very much and the community is wonderful, I was hoping to pass my knowledge of this game to others, helping new players or people who simply don't know what to do or how to do it. I am very active very often and hope that if you will need to contact me you will. I have been on SS13 for more than a year now, I started out on para-code and bay then got into goon and I instantly fell in love, I spend alot of my time on here mostly because I don't have a lot to do during the day. I never really got on public servers, mostly running private servers for and with my friends who are the ones who introduced me to this game. Sadly I will not be able to help with Telescience for I am not good at it and it always results in someone burning and dying. I enjoy helping people very much. You can also contact me on the /r/ss13 sub reddit as Black_Mane1 for any problems you may have with me and I will most likely respond unless I don't happen to be on reddit that day. I will co-operate with admins if I do anything wrong and against the rules, so if you have a problem with me talk to me about it and I will give you a response post haste. I am very nice to new players and well anyone really. If I feel like not playing one day which is very unlikely to happen since I love the server and its people so much. You can also contact me via my Byond account, which the name is stated earlier, I will not lie I can be a bit mean if you act the same to me so just simply don't act like that to me.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):One ban, for saying the word
multiple times, I am very sorry for this I don't use it to offend a crowd of people, I use it as a general insult to anyone who seems to make me angry.

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