09-08-2015, 01:24 AM
KikiMofo Wrote:Gonna be honest here, there's something wrong with the state of the Robotics department if performing "scalpel-saw-scalpel-saw-scalpel-saw" on different bits of a corpse, pushing a few buttons on a fabricator, and throwing it all onto a frame is the most exciting part of the job.Frank_Stein Wrote:I maintain that there ought to be some kind of pod in Robotics for streamlining all the steps to make a borg on top of the standard manual surgery.
Stick a dude in, the machine makes all the necessary incisions, sawing, and stitching to add or remove limbs and organs as well as attach parts to a borg.
Never. Cutting someone apart and putting the borg together is the whole point and the best part about robotics.