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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Ok the promised mebay post

So the new medbay niggled me for a good while but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Well, after spending a while staring at the map I think I have a better understanding of what is going on in my mind.

So the first issue is economy of space. I live in a reasonably sized one bedroom apartment but I always seems to be lacking space, then I realised that one of the reasons I do is that my entrance hallway extends the length of the property and is fucking huge. But too Narrow to do anything with, it's just wasted space that could have been put towards making the rooms bigger. The Cogmap 2 medbay suffers from the same issue, look at this.

The space distribution is as follows

Blue Is regularly used medbay space,
Green is pathology, sure it's useless now but when the new pathology system is released I can see it becoming pretty useful,
Red is corridor space with nooks and crannies here and there. Sure there are things IN the corridor but it is lacking any defined purpose areas.

[Image: 0thumu2.png]

What looks like it started as an attempt at a more open plan design has turned into a lot of dead areas that can't be used for anything other than walking through and results in quite a bit of traversal, anyone who plays medbay can tell you that dragging people around and trying to stop them from dying while they're flailing and farting is difficult enough already, additional traversal time is not helpful.

There also seems to be a confusion in escalation. When I say escalation I mean the more severe state a patient is in the more advanced medical shit they need done to them, in it's roughest form it goes Dispensed Meds > Cryo > Sleeper > Surgery > Ward. Logic dictates that the lowest levels of medical help should be at the outmost reaches of the medbay. This works initially as the pharmacy is at the entrance, but sort of goes a tad wonky futher in where cryo is regulated to the very back of the department. The Ward while not severe is best used when people are going to be in medbay for a little longer than usual, either they're sleeping something off or they're getting a transfusion or something else. Regardless they're probably in need of higher end medical care so beds can be stashed further back in the medbay. Also we need more sleepers. Sleepers have been made MUCH better as of late, They're a source of infinite saline and charcoal as well as massively reducing the time needed to overcome addition and recover from illnesses that require sleep, when I play medical I use them all the time, so having some of more of them would be super useful.

There are also some individual things that I just don't get

[Image: nbeVt9r.jpg]

1. Cloning First cloning was moved to outside genetics, I understand this because geneticists don't play with others, they ignore the rest of the server and play genematch all round so moving cloning into general medbay is a good idea. But exposing cloning to general population just gives medbay one less thing to do, add to this the fact that cloning is already a high priority bombing target for your run of the mill generic traitor and you are all but guaranteeing that it will get fucked up nearly ever round.

2.Random Storage Area Everything will get stolen. Paramedic suits are free armor, belts are belts. boooooo.

3.Rest Area? When the shit hits the fan and you get a lot of people in at once, 2 beds are not enough, especially if you get a bout of food poisoning or flu hitting the station. People won't sleep in the crew quarters because they're unsafe, you could be throttled in your bed and nobody would know. People want to sleep in the ward so they can have someone keeping an eye on them. It's also a good way of keeping track of who needs immediate care and who can just chill on saline while they're waiting for a robot leg to be attached.

4.Nothing Wasted space and an easy way for an asshole with a toolbox to depressurize the entirity of medbay.

5.Asylum? What is this for? Is this for crazy people? Is that why there is a straight jacket in the corner? Straightjackets are dubious at best because they are similar to oldschool bucklecuffing and people are hesitant to do it. I can see this never being used. Ever.

That's enough picking shit apart, have a shitty copy paste photoshop of what I would like to see the new medbay offer
[Image: vYjAIUS.jpg]

  1. Moved Cryo further up the corridor, Cryo is one of the "tallest" structures in SS13 so placining it in a vertical corridor both looks better and is more space conservative, I put the couch up there too because why not.
  2. More beds! In Dept Sleepers! This also puts pathology "behind" the ward and seeing as they are both "bed" based areas it makes sense they go together.
  3. Removed the vacumn, it really doesn't add much and just makes depressurization a constant but boring threat, the space could be much better used and allows for more fuckering from the maint tunnel behind medbay.
  4. Moved the clothing racks to where the vending machines were, they're still accessible and stealable but at least now they're a reasonable distance from the door.
  5. Added a a doors to the left of The doors are designed to split medbay into "here for 30 seconds" and "here for a few minutes" and means that people can sleep off their flu without fear of being stripped by a staff assistant.
  6. Switched the random storage area into a sort of.. diagnosis area. A plain, slightly walled area where doctors can scan patients and have quick access to a medical fabricator, reagent extractor and med dispenser quickly and easily without having to drag people into the pharmacy and trapping them behind a door.

People probably have a hundred and one good reasons why I'm wrong, so feel free to tear it up. Just throwing some ideas out.

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