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Sundance's Somewhat Spurious Syndicate Sprites*
*Not actually spurious

Just trying my hand at spriting again, i've a whole backlog of sprites which aint half bad. Here's the Changeling Icon sprites that are blank as of now, but maybe in the near future are not? Who knows? Mysterious happenings!
Acid Spit
[Image: dsOZRXV.png]
DNA Sting
[Image: ZZq0dnN.png]
Neurotoxin Sting
[Image: I8VhKs6.png]
Hallucinogenic Sting
[Image: zSqV8CO.png]
Speed Regenerate
[Image: Uo6xScr.png]
Regenerative Stasis
[Image: Mc9Q1AQ.png]
[Image: tBzHU7l.png]
Lesser Form
[Image: lSajjvw.png]
Mimic Voice
[Image: 3XI94nm.png]
Absorb DNA
[Image: wNEEloh.png]
Horror Form
[Image: Pp2nQhN.png]
[Image: nSLJHHZ.png]
[Image: IODeg1O.png]

Data(no particular order, includes grody border):
[Image: PfxulEp.png][Image: emb9yEo.png][Image: sW9jpuN.png][Image: FBQKYyd.png][Image: v4NdPq5.png][Image: TBTMIV3.png][Image: xXCRtB5.png][Image: 2bxw5LV.png][Image: eEkmqFW.png][Image: tiALU8e.png][Image: 5HQ2Qhw.png][Image: uhMJ7gE.png][Image: GnKBeqk.png][Image: 25FLFjT.png][Image: 6UphD0m.png][Image: NS1J5J7.png][Image: jrd7QWf.png][Image: S9DmId4.png][Image: krOam3N.png][Image: H9aDI92.png][Image: XW5UTlZ.png][Image: QVhMdpT.png][Image: lJK3bRj.png][Image: RD90wpV.png][Image: 06LQVJx.png][Image: S1ZuZal.png][Image: cAyk3H4.png]

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