08-26-2015, 11:57 AM
Sundance Wrote:As much as I would like to see all forms of cameras whether it be tv's to implants to whatever, has cogs confirmed how these are going to work? I feel like this thread is a little impulsive.I actually saw some notes from Cogwerks on the matter, and the tripod camera thingies are basically a replacement for helmet cams, with them being either handheld, mountable, or controllable cameras that feed directly to a TV network that can be watched for the viewing pleasure of the crew. They can also presumably be set up in key locations to stake out potentially crime-breeding spots, though without some kind of a failsafe to prevent them from getting stolen and/or spaced by random passersby, I question how effective this will be.
As for the cameras themselves, from what I can remember from my time piddling around Cogmap2, I believe that the fuck-awful dropdown menu is being replaced by a similar (though much more stylish) menu that automatically switches your camera view when a location is switched, and you don't need to hit an OK button or scroll through the list again in between every single camera switch. No fundamental change to the system, but it has considerable enhanced ease of access and is actually feasible to use now.
Of course, this is just from my observations and are by no means hard and fast facts. But even disregarding Cogmap2, I'd say that something like these would be a fine addition to the security loadout regardless of map. It's just simply a bit more prudent in the case of the former, given its size.