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Clown mask a Gas mask
Grek Wrote:As a counterpoint: If you change things so that there is no reason to want to play as a clown... people will not want to play as clowns. I feel like this should be a really obvious conclusion, but somehow it isn't. Making a job unfun will not make the job more fun. It will do the opposite.
I don't want people to want to play as clown more. Being a clown is a joke. It's the oldest joke, it's the point of the clown is to be an awful spaceman who can't live past 20 minutes. If you can't handle being a clown you shouldn't want to play as clown.

And as to what Frank_Stein said; Yes it's elitism. If you can't handle the clown as it is you shouldn't play it. Or do play it and get better. Being good at being a clown is literally what the elitism is about. It's like being good at being a grey suit but times 10. Being a good clown who lives through the whole round is a status thing, and if you can't handle not being able to not have an airmask on all round maybe you shouldn't play as the clown.

Dudes it's not like it's some big deal or something. It's just one job on a station of many. If you want an airmask as clown just change the mask, just be known that you aren't a good clown if you switch clown gear.

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