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cogblap v0.98 | beta testing will be happening occasionally
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:
atomic1fire Wrote:Make it possible to burn up bodies completely in plasma fires, like you can burn paper.

I know that sounds horrible, but it means you could use engineering to do traitor executions and station death sentences.

I actually agree with this, it's really weird that bodies have a sprite where they're completely engulfed in raging flames, but even if they spend 30 minutes in a 400000+ degree Toxins fire they can be recovered perfectly fine.

I'm not saying they need to be as flammable as paper or anything, it'd take a while for something as wet and thick as a human body to totally burn up in an average fire, but they should EVENTUALLY burn up. Maybe as a corpse rots, it could become increasingly flammable. That and the new disease system might encourage people to actually get rid of the damn things one way or the other before just dropping a welder on one turns it into a bonfire.
Or make them freak out at the corpse and hurl it into a plasma inferno to avoid disease. I support this.

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