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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Noah Buttes Wrote:
Sex_Robot Wrote:I disagree with this, one of the things that makes SS13 cool is that no staff members have innate skills. Classes don't come with built in bonus and abilities, you just have the right equipment for the job you signed up for.
There are 2 (3?) exceptions to this rule.
And I think roboticists (they never seem to mess up on a surgery if going too fast, could just be some major rng luck though)

chefs have a special mystery-meat foraging skill from gibs

barmen have a special tasting skill

these are modest skills relating to their jobs, and command/sec having a chance to brake their segways rather than flinging off like doofuses is also a modest skill relating to their job. remember-since theyre braking, even the person they would have run into and stunned would be spared from the stun, so this is not a way to freely weaponize the segways as stunning tools.

but i coulda sworn ive seen roboticists mess up occasionally

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