SAKayle7 Head of Security Application
Kayle7 Wrote:And I think some of this negativity is about the door access? That's weird to me.
In short, just because you've been playing the HoS and have been calling the shots in that respect doesn't necessarily mean that you're qualified to play HoS full time, as it were. Being qualified to be whitelisted for the Head of Security job isn't just about being a Head of Security, as weird as that probably sounds. It's about being an effective member of the security force, and in order to do that, you need to be accustomed to the moments where you aren't at the top of the food chain.

The main reason why you should play more as an average-joe Security Officer is because one of the best ways of getting a feel for how the department works, how station proceedings in general work, and how you should go about doing things, is to put yourself in the position of not being able to get into a few places or not being able to be on the same level as the command staff, because that's a much better way of training your wit and your ability to make tough decisions on the spot, your ability to get out of tough situations, and your ability to know when to defer to someone else. I'm not going to say that being HoS is EASY by any means, but limiting your security experience to those HoS Fridays does NOT give you the full picture of what security is all about, and that's what really counts in an HoS app.

I'll also admit that I haven't seen hide nor hair of you in a security position, or at the very least, you haven't stood out to me in any of those instances. Furthermore, one single anecdote about how you challenged a predator to a fight in the ring, while actually pretty amusing and indicative of the ability to not be a total hardass, doesn't give me a good enough impression to let me recommend giving you the beret full-time. It isn't just about the stuff you've done, it's about your attitude towards the job, towards the department, and towards the game. Furthermore, the general public opinion ranging from confused shrugs to claims that you partake in a playstyle quite opposite of the ideal Head of Security has me raising an eyebrow at the legitimacy of your application.

So, while I'm going to vote against this application because of the aforementioned reasons, I will say that you definitely seem enthusiastic to take up the job, and heartily encourage you to play some rounds as a normal Officer, see how things work out for you, and try again after you've got some more experience.

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