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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Cogwerks Wrote:Gunchat: I'm pretty sure that unlocked armory guns wouldn't be all that bad, with the right ones. Captain's egun or a QM crate of lasers are far more deadly than rubber-slug shotguns and phasers.

QM's don't ship lasers anymore and i'd argue currently a rubber-slugged shotgun is deadlier than the captains gun, due to it being able to reload, do brute and bleed damage AND instastun.

Cogwerks Wrote:I'd like to see more battles of attrition with a lot of weak projectiles flying back and forth and less "oh i got stunned and am now dead a second later" fights. Brutal slugfests are more fun I think. It was fun watching people run around having phaser fights on map preview testing.

I do too, but weapons aren't distinguished enough from each other, just projectile volleyball which can get a bit stale depending. There's also the stun aspect that while is essential for security kinda ruins this whole battle of attrition aspect, and we've yet to find a happy medium.

I'd like to see the riot shotgun reworked if at all possible. I know projectile code has changed, i've seen this code in other servers been showtested with fully automatic rifles. We could do the same with riot shotgun, with spread shots. Remove the instastun, reduce the projectile distance down a ton so it's close quarters and then you have an interesting variation added into the game. Semi-automatic weapons like old school smgs would also be rad.

As for the humble taser, i'd also like that reworked. Remove the confused movement and dropping and instead have a progressively slower speed. The confused movement/dropping after stun completely ruins any form of attrition that you're aiming for, while the slightly slowed speed would still mean they're vulnerable.

Quote:Is the bomb disposal stuff worth having?

Yes and no. I don't think it should go anywhere, but I would like to see thermal resistant armor like bane suggested. The armor should be balanced in that it's weaker than normal armor, and you will get burn damage if on a space tile, but is good for when the station is a freezer and you still need to do your job.

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