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Cogmap 2: *** UPDATE TO BYOND 509 ASAP ***
Gunchat: I'm pretty sure that unlocked armory guns wouldn't be all that bad, with the right ones. Captain's egun or a QM crate of lasers are far more deadly than rubber-slug shotguns and phasers. I'd like to see more battles of attrition with a lot of weak projectiles flying back and forth and less "oh i got stunned and am now dead a second later" fights. Brutal slugfests are more fun I think. It was fun watching people run around having phaser fights on map preview testing.

Is the bomb disposal stuff worth having?

For the array of weapons in there, I'd hope to see sec teams using certain things for certain tasks. Riot guns and smokes for riots or breaking up big messes, phasers against bad dudes who are packing lethal weapons/abilities themselves, tranqs against drugged-up melee rampagers, etc. I think having a dual-swipe thing requiring two other heads if the HoS is missing could be cool somehow, and this could include unlocking the nanoputt bays in an emergency. Red alert, scramble the putts! Aoogha!

Thematically, I aim to have sec using energy or weak kinetic guns against syndicate kinetic guns. Syndicate sure wouldn't mind missed shots smashing windows out and venting halls to space, NT sec probably ought to avoid this somewhat ('cept for detective, an old-timey hardass.) So no, whoever suggested giving the armory an HE grenade launcher... nooooo.

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